WHAT IS ACTING OPERASM? ACTING OPERASM is a time-efficient yet artistically significant Acting and Audition Preparation Techniques Training for today's singer-actors. ACTING OPERASM cuts through the "acting mystique" and provides practical and proven preparation and performance tools. You will make a quantum leap in the Ease, Freedom and Vitality of your presentations, whether in auditions or productions. Continued use of these techniques brings about a readily perceivable transformation in the singer's presentational abilities. ACTING OPERASM training causes the singer-actor to be more present, spontanenous and genuine. Such authenticity in performance is highly engaging for the audience: they want to watch you as well as listen to you -- and they believe you! ACTING OPERASM training has been given in the following formats:
Founded in 1991 by acting teacher-pianist Marc Taslit and singer-actress Patricia Sheridan, ACTING OPERASM has worked with thousands of singer-actors in 25 cities in the US, and in London, England. As of January 2015, ACTING OPERASM participants have succeeded in productions in more than 85 opera companies in 32 states in the US, and in companies around the world. Future training locations include Costa Rica, Germany, France, Portugal and Australia. Among the institutions at which ACTING OPERASM has given workshops for undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students are:
ACTING OPERASM has also presented demonstration-masterclasses for chapters of The National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS), the New York Singing Teachers Association (NYSTA) and for The Professional Women Singers Association (PWSA) of New York.